For leagues with draft pick signability, OOTP exports informaion in CSV format which can be loaded into the StatsPlus draft tool via the draft_signability.csv file to show each player's signability and initial bonus demand in the draft tool.
It's very important to note the demand may change over time, so StatsPlus may show one value, but the value may be different in game. The changes are not usually drastic. Signability is not known to change.
The StatsPlus auto-pick algorithm was updated to completely avoid drafting players with a signability of Impossible.
If your draft was set up with signing enabled and the signability CSV was loaded by the admin before the draft started, your own team's draft budget will show on the page with the list of the team picks, and the signability and demand of each player will also show. Note when looking at signability and demand, these are demands for your team, and may differ for other teams. Example in the following screenshot:
Demand and signability are also visible on the Batter and Pitcher Rating views on the Pool tab:
And filtering on the demands or signability is possible. Here are a few examples:
For signability, exampled filters:
!"I" <= Any signability not Impossible
"E" or "VE" <= Only easy or very easy
For demand, use full numbers:
< 500000 <= Any demand less than 500k (includes slot demand)
0 <= Using 0 in the demand field means the demand is "Slot"