The StatsPlus web tools have been built from scratch, starting in early 2016, for a modern feature-rich interface to OOTP online leagues.
With a constantly expanding feature set, and views of your online league that no other tools provide, the StatsPlus web tools can quickly become an indispensable feature of your league.
- Scouted ratings right on the web, no need to go into OOTP to see your scout's opinion
- Detailed player development tracking for both your scout and OSA view
- Draft tool fully integrated with Slack and/or Discord to provide updates and alert GMs for the next pick
- Awards voting including All-Star, MVP, Cy Young, Rookie and Reliever of the Year, Silver Slugger and Hall of Fame voting
- GM Login using Google, Facebook, Discord or Slack login, no separate password to remember
- Statistical views of players and teams featuring many modern stats - wOBA, wRC+, FIP, and more
- Support for associations built-in from day one, including promotion-relegation leagues
- Customizable roster and contract check options to monitor league-specific rules
- Designed from the start to work equally well on desktop and mobile devices
- One-click upload of the CSV from your machine to server via the S+ Desktop app, no FTP or unpacking hassle
- Fast online support for issues via the StatsPlus Slack group
Login with StatsPlus
Player Development Tracking
Trade Tool
Draft Demands
CSV Configuration
Enabling Overall / Potential Ratings without Scouts
Updating the StatsPlus Web Pages
Running a draft in StatsPlus
Importing an association draft into OOTP
Setting up /player command in Slack
Modifying OOTP Templates to point to StatsPlus
Discord and StatsPlus web tools
StatsPlus APIs